Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Photo Editing / Photo Hosting

Photo Editing

Picasa (Edit pics, host pics, slideshow capability, the whole 9) 1 GB of space online

Online Photoshop Adobe Photoshop has an online tool where you can do editing as well as host up to 2 GB of pictures.

Picnik - Online photo editing

Scrapblog - Make a cute header image, save, and add it to your blog.

Photo Hosting
{Note that a lot of photo hosting sites have some editing capabilities as well}

- Slideshows, and other cute blog add-ons

Photobucket - 1 GB Limit

ImageShack - Unlimited amount of files, but low bandwidth allowance.

- Can only view the 200 most recently uploaded photos.

Zooomr - Unlimited upload ability, but not quite as user friendly.

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