Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blogger VS Wordpress

Here is a wonderful article that breaks down different features offered by both Blogger and Wordpress. It will help you make an informed decision about which Blogging application you want to use.
http://pulsed.blogspot.com/2007/07/blogger-wordpress-chart.html Read More......

Where to Find Blogger Templates

Pyzam {You will most likely lose your widgets and customizations, so be prepared for that}

The Cutest Blog on the Blog

You can also Google the term "Blogger Templates" and you will find more templates than you know what to do with. Read More......


Wordpress has some page statistics included, but if you are curious how many people visit your Blogger site, you will need a third party tracking application.
Here are a few that I have either used or heard of:

Feedburner {My personal fav}
Google Analytics {Some heavy duty statistics here}

I've never used these personally, but they could be worth a shot:

Site Meter
Bravenet Hit Counter
StatCounter Read More......

Photo Editing / Photo Hosting

Photo Editing

Picasa (Edit pics, host pics, slideshow capability, the whole 9) 1 GB of space online

Online Photoshop Adobe Photoshop has an online tool where you can do editing as well as host up to 2 GB of pictures.

Picnik - Online photo editing

Scrapblog - Make a cute header image, save, and add it to your blog.

Photo Hosting
{Note that a lot of photo hosting sites have some editing capabilities as well}

- Slideshows, and other cute blog add-ons

Photobucket - 1 GB Limit

ImageShack - Unlimited amount of files, but low bandwidth allowance.

- Can only view the 200 most recently uploaded photos.

Zooomr - Unlimited upload ability, but not quite as user friendly. Read More......

Video Hosting


Google Video

Blogger has a video hosting option as well.
I have also seen that a few of the photo hosting websites offer video as well. Read More......

Blogging Resources

Blog Coach - At BlogCoach, you'll find helpful, informative articles about blogging, blogging resources, and a friendly community full of plain-talking bloggers and web publishers eager to help you grow your blog.

Tips for New Bloggers - Lots of great features to make your blog your own.

Blogger Buster - Great website of all things blogger. Read More......

My Favorite tricks

Here are links to some of my favorite little tricks in Blogger.

Adding a Favicon for your Blog {The little icon next to the address in the address bar}

Remove the navigation bar at the top of the blog

Add a Google Search Box to your blog
{Good if you removed the navigation bar}

Create Post Summaries in Blogger - In other words, display part of the post and then your reader can click "Read More" to see the rest of your post. Really great if you have written a long post or have a lot of pictures in a post. A little more complicated as far as these customizations go. Read More......